会社概要 Profile



旭アビエーション 設立の趣旨






Baby Tetsuya  中華旭屋の前で父に抱かれる創業者 野﨑哲也 (1966年)

Founder, Ted Nozaki in front of Asahi Chinese Restaurant with his father (circa 1966) 


2017年1月 米国カリフォルニア州アーバイン市にAsahi Aviation Inc.を創業。

2018年6月 資本金1000万円にて日本法人旭アビエーション株式会社を設立。

2019年2月 資本金2000万円に増資、中央区東日本橋に移転。

2019年4月 資本金5000万円に増資。

2019年6月 第二種金融商品取引業登録。関東財務局(金商)第3141号

2019年8月 第二種金融商品取引業協会加入。

2020年1月 資本金6100万円に増資。






Asahi Aviation was established in January 2017 to provide the aircraft lease management/brokerage services to the aircraft owners and operators.

Mission Statement:

To provide opportunities for the material and intellectual growth of all our employees and through our joint efforts in the area of aircraft leases and trading, contribute to the advancement of society, humankind and world peace.


Asahi means “morning sun” in Japanese.  It is intended that Asahi Aviation will be the morning sun for the customers and the industry to brighten the future.  The name “Asahi” was taken from the name of the small Chinese restaurant in Tokyo, Japan owned by the parents of Ted Nozaki, the founder of Asahi Aviation. The restaurant was closed 25 years ago; however, it was indeed the morning sun for the customers to the restaurant and its community.  It was small but cozy with great food and warm services thanks to the hard work of his parents. He took the name to ensure that Asahi Aviation will have the same old traditions of the restaurant of his parents.


January 2017 Asahi Aviation Inc. started operation in Irvine, California, U.S.A.

June 2018           Asahi Aviation KK was founded in Tokyo, Japan with the paid in capital of JPY10 million.

February 2019  The capital was increased to JPY20 million and the office was relocated to Higashi Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. 

April 2019        The capital was increased to JPY50 million.

June 2019         Registerated as Type II Financial Instrument Operator with Kanto Financial Bureau.  

August 2019    Became a member of Association of Type II Financial Instrument Operators

January 2020  The capital was increased to JPY61 million